The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry also known as Green Chemistry - Chemical products and processes to reduce the hazardous substances, Green Chemistry lasts throughout the entire life cycle of chemical products.
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry are:
- Prevention-It's better to prevent than treat and clean up the waste afterward
- Atom Economy-Synthetic methods design to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into final products.
- Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses-Design synthetic methods to make substances that will minimize the toxicity to human health and the environment.
- Designing Safe Chemicals-Chemical products that affect their desired function and minimized their toxicity.
- Safe Solvents and Auxiliaries-Minimizing the uses of auxiliary substances where possible, making them innocuous when they are used.
- Design of Energy Efficiency-Minimizing the energy required for chemical processes.
- Use of Renewable Feedstock-To use feedstock or raw material whenever practicable.
- Reduce Derivatives-Minimizing and avoiding unnecessary derivatization whenever possible.
- Catalysis-Catalytic reagents are superior to stoichiometric reagents.
- Design for Degradation-Making chemical products that break down into products that will not persist in the environment
- Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention-Designing analytical methods to allow for real-time monitoring and controlling before the formation of hazardous substances.
- Inherently safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention-The choosing and forming of a substance used in a chemical process to minimize the possibility of chemical accidents such as releases, explosions and fires.
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